16 August 2012

Who is giving me the +1s?

Just curious, whenever I publish a post, I usually get a +1 within minutes, but I can't see who gave me the +1. So this must mean that whoever gave me the +1 is not in my Google+ contact right?

And sometimes that's the only +1 I ever receive, this includes posts on my art blog as well. This is really weird, if you are not in my contact, then how did you find my blog right after I post it? Or is this a glitch of Google+?

So whoever you are, thank you, but please leave a comment this time so I know who you are.


我家裡有個魚缸,大概是四年前買的吧。剛開始什麼也不懂,以為自來水過濾一下,加些水草就可以養魚了... 沒多久孔雀魚都死光了(真是罪過罪過),剛開始也養了兩隻夜市抓回來的烏龜,結果在魚兒們死掉之後沒多久也死了一隻,接下來幾個月,剩下的那一隻烏龜變得像個入定老僧,常常仵在木頭上冥思,但一發現我們靠近就馬上跳進水裡。最後這隻烏龜也還是死了。

15 August 2012


昨天上班時就發現怎麼冷氣一點也不冷了? 天氣一片晴朗,我只好偶而打開車窗吹吹外面的臭風...

14 August 2012

別再 A P P 了

我印象中智慧型手機剛推出時,還有不少人會唸 "App" 或 "Apps",但最近不論什麼公司商店甚至政府機關都陸續推出自己的 App 的時候,卻已經沒幾個人這樣唸了。每天電視新聞,廣播節目中都會聽到 A P P、A P P、A P P、A P P,彷彿在叫我們記得擦屁屁、擦屁屁、擦屁屁、擦屁屁...